Basketball/Merrimack Valley Catholic School League
This league is comprised mostly of Catholic schools in Greater Lawrence and Haverhill. Games are played on weekends, typically on Friday evenings for the upper grades, and Saturday mornings for the younger grades. Students in grades 4-8 are invited to play. Practices will begin in November, and are conducted once a week. Games begin in early December. Participation in this league is "No Cut", and playing time is guaranteed according to League Policy. Exception: any team member who misses a practice without the permission of the coach, may not be allowed to play or may receive a reduction in playing time in the next game. This decision will be made at the coach’s discretion. When necessary, younger grade players are allowed to participate with older grade teams. Older grade players may not participate with younger grade teams.
Basketball/Haverhill Middle School League
This league is comprised of 7th and 8th grade students (and eligible 6th graders) from middle schools in the City of Haverhill. Practices are conducted once a week. Games are played after school during the week. Games begin in late December/early January. Playing time in this league is not guaranteed. Please note: Grade 7 and 8 students who sign up for the Haverhill Middle School League MUST participate in the Catholic League as well. However, a student who signs up for both leagues only needs to pay once.
Cross Country/Track
4th Graders are allowed to practice with the Cross-country team and the Track team but cannot run officially in the Haverhill Meets. Cross-country runs September to October, and Track runs from April to May.
Only 7th and 8th grade student athletes are allowed to participate in this Haverhill Middle School League. This league begins in March and continues until early April.
Student athletes in grades 4 to grade 8 may participate in this squad. Our squad cheers in the Haverhill Middle School Basketball League, which consist of two games a week in regular season. Practice times are decided upon by gym availability. Our squad also enters into the Haverhill Middle School Cheerleading Competition.
This program is offered to our 8th grade student athletes. Depending on the availability of the Garrison Golf Center, golf is either a fall sport or a spring sport.